So if you're fighting a non-hoplite infantry crowd, you're in great shape.
The Persian infantry did not have heavy armor, they did not have that kind of a shield, they had wicker shields; fortunately, we have vase paintings that show us Persians.
And following the last plague, Pharaoh finally allows the Israelites to go into the desert to worship their God but he quickly changes his mind, and he sends his infantry and his chariots in hot pursuit of the Israelites and they soon find themselves trapped between the Egyptians and something referred to as Yam Suph, meaning Reed Sea.
So, you could blow through that infantry like butter.
Basically, the Greeks couldn't pursue very hotly with infantry.
You know, one famous tactic is--if you have an infantry force coming forward, you send tanks in it to break up the line of the infantry, so that you can defeat the infantry in that way.
The classical hoplite formation then was not the long lived military institution of scholarly tradition, but merely one phase in a history of almost four centuries of slow change towards ever denser and more cohesive heavy infantry formations."