So Judah, the Southern Kingdom, is a tribute-paying vassal state to the Assyrian overlord. And of course there's a great deal of Assyrian cultural influence and religious influence in Judah as a result.
But nonetheless, Peter the Great creates this huge empire that will have over the long run, an enormous influence in European affairs.
The corrupt clergy of today, under the malign influence of the horrible Archbishop Laud, are interested only in satisfying their own greed.
Well, I don't know. It seems to me that literary influence is not at all unlike sort of speaking or writing in the wake of a founder of discursivity, but we can let that pass.
In the same period,there is clear-cut,unmistakable, oriental influence on Greek pottery and other things that they make.
It's post-Christian in the sense that it's hard to live in America without having some kind of exposure to Christianity and without seeing its influence on our society,on our politics, on our culture and our art,and that sort of thing.
Pound goes to work on Yeats, goes to work on his poetry and helps modernize him, although I think in lots of ways the influence went just as much the other way.
And if you do show improvement, that will very significantly influence and emerge in terms of the impact it has on your overall semester grade.
His magic is directed at the metadivine realm, trying to tap into its powers. It's not directed at the gods. It's trying to tap into the ultimate source of power to use that power to influence the gods in a particular way or protect oneself against the gods.
I think what we do in America whatever people might say about we're on a way up or we're on a way down, we still have vast power in team influence on what's going in this world Absolutely. -with the kind of financial and leadership role.
So in a sense you have enormous amount of influence.
It was, above all, the influence of the classics, Aristotle and Cicero in particular, that Hobbes regards as an important cause for the recent civil war and the regicide of Charles I.
Most of the influence,I suspect, was going one way in those days- from the more advanced civilization of the east to the Greeks.
But I suspect that that's probably a little bit too quick, because really there are two different ways in which facts could influence our behavior.
And so it would seem to be Dante's use of the image that has a primary influence here on Milton, but, as we might expect, there is a complication in the way that Milton uses this particular image.
But this was a moment of particular and headlined notoriety in the history of academic thinking about literature, and a moment in which academic thinking about literature had a peculiar influence on topics much broader than literature.