So again, the ethical message here is that humans are in control of their destiny and the action of every individual affects and influences the fate of society.
so we have lots of different influences here.
Those are the primary influences on Iser, but he himself has been tremendously influential in turn.
Is it really Western or is it Eastern European or even with some Asian influences?
Not that everyone gambles but there will be -you go to any human society and ask about it and there will be some game of chance that they play at the -that influences their thinking.
And what is Russian that should be modified by being open to non-religious influences that come from other places?
That means every part of the class reinforces and influences the other part.
- You then run a compiler, in our case called "GCC" -- -- one of the world's most popular -- and then you can run it with some number of switches, these command line arguments as they're called that somehow influences the behavior of this program.
As to his son, his son was more under the influence of these traditional religious influences.
One of the things he does, and I guess this is one of the things to be put in neon from this lecture, is he opens up Russia, which had no secular influences at all, to western ideas.
他的成就之一,我想这也是今天讲座的重点之一,就是他将西方思想引入俄国,在此之前 俄国没有受到任何外界世俗的影响