So, now with this framework, I said that talking about these valence electrons might give us some insight into chemical reactivity.
It's this extraordinary insight that he gives us: we can only read one word at a time, we can only read one line at a time.
When people say,You know,everyone dies alone, you're supposed to be gaining some deep insight into the nature of death.
And so now we're going to try and see if we can write a simulation that will give us some insight as to which of these might be better or worse.
The first step to insight is to ask questions like why do things fall down and not up?
Now, there are two stories about Joule and how he came to this insight.
A third goal of the course is to provide some insight into the history of interpretation.
So, that's the basic insight in Modigliani and Miller, that share repurchase and dividend are really interchangeable; it's just all a conceptual difference.
This leads to an insight,though,by this time, when you're surveying your New Testament.
It didn't take Karl Marx to invent, or to discover that insight, that the rules of justice are simply the rules of the ruling class.
That will give you insight into how these studies are done on diet and health.
Psychology is not just about illness or health; it is about work,education,insight,love,growth,and play.
You get the idea that everything arises from the extraordinary mental acuity or spiritual insight of an author and that what needs to be understood about literature is the genius of its production.
And you also have classes that will give you an insight into, someone is coming to see you, who has an alcohol problem, a drug abuse problem, things you will engage in daily activities, boyfriend girlfriend problems, having trouble in class.
We're going to get a deep insight if it's a necessary truth about death that everyone dies alone.
bug And maybe by understanding why it worked on a and not on b, you'll get a lot of insight that you won't if you just focus on the bug.
That's Hicks's insight and it comes back then to Hicks's book, Value and Capital, in 1939.
And so, by studying these abnormal cases we could get some insight into regular life.
We may not accept their answers and it's very likely that we do not but their questions are often put with a kind of unrivaled clarity and insight.
But it wouldn't be some deep insight into the nature of death.
All right. Now de Man's early career was influenced -I'm not speaking of the very early career in which he wrote these articles, but the early career involving the essays which were collected in his first book, Blindness and Insight.
And this is something-- This is supposed to express some deep insight into the nature and uniqueness of death.
In short,even though it's true that nobody can die my death for me, this isn't some deep insight into the special nature of death.
But there is a corollary to this insight.
But for all that,we were looking for some deep insight into the nature of death.