The instruction I always give at Buddhist student group meetings whenever somebody comes in and needs instruction, they're pretty simple.
It means instruction, way, teaching, and that refers to the first five books that you see listed here, Genesis through Deuteronomy.
Above all, Aristotle's works, like the Politics and the Nicomachean Ethics, were explicitly intended as works of political instruction, political education.
You, as the instruction designer, have to think of from the point of view of fulfilling both the explicate and the implicit purposes of the educational experience you are creating.
That program counter points to some location in memory typically to the first instruction in the sequence.
The people who got the painful shock instruction are more likely to find the confederate attractive.
Then when you're done you print the page, and we have a special instruction for that in just a moment, and then you'll have what you need for the concept sheets.
Christianity has its instruction.
Torah And this is an acronym. The T stands for Torah, which is a word that means instruction or teaching.
Having executed this instruction, that counter goes up by one and we move to the next one.
Those two terms are different names of the deity that's giving the instruction.
So the challenge thing comes back to the instruction of designer: what are you for on this access?
They said they were important for pious instruction.
And even though it's fairly obvious what's doing that, they still misattribute that arousal to " "I must be falling in love," even with that obvious a--even with that obvious an instruction.
Now the second plague in each set of three is introduced with the divine instruction, "Go to Pharaoh."
Well at most, I'm going to execute each instruction once. All right?
We execute that instruction, we move to the next one.
Remember last time, I said that there's different kinds of complexity in our code, and I suggested for simple branching programs, the amount of time it takes to run that program is, in essence, bounded by the number of instructions, because you only execute each instruction at most once.
I can give you the form and ask you to rate how attractive you think I am and I can give you the same instruction with a crucial difference "Please wait here.
So we're to assume we can get to any piece of data, any instruction in constant time, and the second assumption we're going to make is that the basic primitive steps take constant time, same amount of time to compute. Again, not completely true, but it's a good model, so arithmetic operations, comparisons, things of that sort, we're all going to assume are basically in that in that particular model.