That naturally hits monoline insurance companies more than multiline insurance companies because they are more specialized and more vulnerable.
I want to talk about government regulation of insurance because I said that was an important aspect of insurance.
If you didn't really believe you were going to die, that is undergo bodily death, why would you take out life insurance?
Or the insurance company could be a mutual insurance company, in which case the insurance company is owned by the insured.
I want to talk about certain kinds of monoline insurance companies that-- the biggest--one category is property and casualty.
She said, we have it now at Swiss Re and, of course, The World Bank sponsors crop insurance for farmers.
We had deposit insurance starting in The Great Depression and that's been very important; it's now in every country.
It's not public finance, it's not insurance, but it's one of the most important fundamental theories that underlies finance.
So they--in other words, the insurance company--doesn't trust the insurance companies to do the calculations like I showed with the binomial theorem.
Moreover, beyond that, how does one know, in taking out an insurance policy, that the insurance company is going to be sound?
At these conferences, they decide on a recommended or uniform insurance regulation policy and it acts a little bit like a Congress.
When they invented fire insurance, in the 1600s, there was a lot of skepticism because anyone can burn down their house.
It's like an insurance where people imagine they're insuring people's lives and they think that their deaths are all independent.
An insurance company has reserves and it has enough reserves to cover them for a certain number of accidents.
It's very hard to start an insurance company because you've got to meet the requirements of all fifty regulators.
Ideally, life insurance is insuring people-- or fire insurance is insuring people-- against independent events, so it's not the fire of London.