And he poses for this photo as an intake photo as he enters St. Elizabeth's Hospital for the Insane in Washington.
Well, first it is important because it's-- you need to track what the population is eating and also individual intake.
But there is ample room for increasing revenue intake...India's agriculture sector for example, remains largely untaxed.
What did you learn about how easy or hard it is to keep track of what food intake is?
Now let's take this information and put it in the context of what a day's fat and calorie intake might be like.
However, for dietary intake, there have been fewer advances like that because it's such a difficult thing to get a hold of.
There will be days when you're very busy, you don't have time to eat and your food intake is lower then normal.
Okay, so way over the protein limit even though the intake of meat isn't so high.
Well there are methods that get used to track population intake and methods to track individual food intake, and let's talk about each of them.
Well, we'll sort through all these and discuss what a society might do to help change food preferences and food intake patterns in the society.
In all cases, these are significant variations from what the recommended dietary intake should be.
The next one is a colleague of mine, William Corbin, who's doing some very interesting work on alcohol intake and gambling, and sometimes how they go together.
Population intake: how do we know what to recommend to people to eat?
And then the investigators actually measured these things, and found that with reported and actual energy intake, how many calories people were consuming, there was really quite a difference.
When we talk about methods to track individual food intake, there are different ways of doing this, different methods that get used and they have different levels of accuracy.
.. And that's where a lot know if a proper government can try figure out how to increase the revenue intake and then ... how to redistribute...somemore effectively.
So what researchers do is they hope to get enough people in a sample, where overall, you hope to be capturing normal intake.
And you check the frequency and then inferences are made about your overall intake from that.
And then not surprisingly, vegetables and fish, and there is research as well showing that moderate alcohol intake is linked to lower risk of heart disease.
That the average--- the people were reporting consuming eleven, 1200 calories or something, but when their food intake was actually measured it was over 2 000 calories.
Well, the only way you know is to do studies-- and we'll talk about how these are done in the next class-- linking dietary behavior, food intake with health.
And then the next slide shows the average reported intake of ten year olds in the United States, and you can see the pie charts don't line up very well.
Well that counts on your ability to accurately assess what people are eating, or what the whole population is eating, and so measuring population intake is incredibly important to dietary recommendations.
Fiber is related at a risk for some diseases, particularly some cancers, and therefore the low fiber intake that we have now compared to what our ancestors had is a factor.
Diet, as we said before, is having a big impact, so estimates are that you can attribute two point six million deaths per year globally to low intake of fruits and vegetables.