He writes home, "I do not intend to shirk now that there is really something to fight for; I mean freedom.
In your apology, you can explain you did not intend to offend the client.
And that's fine, because inside of curly braces can you redeclare variables with the same name if you intend to quote unquote shadow the previous variable.
What does Aristotle intend to do with it ? or want us to do with it?
and so they intend to go into government work immediately after school.
You can use the "I'll" pattern to show that you intend to do something,
你可以用 "I'll" 句型来表示你正打算做某事。
Does he fully intend to obey this command, to annul the covenantal promise with his own hand? Or does he trust in God to intervene? Or is this a paradox of faith? Does Abraham intend faithfully to obey, all the while trusting faithfully that God's promise will nevertheless be fulfilled?
I'll give the word the meaning I intend it to mean.
We intend it to be a really easy problem set.
In a stunning admission, he says, listen to this, that "while nature may intend to distinguish the free man from the slave," he says, "the opposite often results.
But how did Plato intend this dialogue to be understood? Note that Socrates never defends himself by reference to the doctrine of unlimited free speech.
bug You're gonna run into innumerable bugs most likely, by bugs we mean mistakes, - behaviors that you didn't quite intend and yet they seem to be-- and yet your program seems to be misbehaving in some sense.