You have extensive properties and intensive properties The extensive properties are the ones that scale with the size of the system.
and then an intensive course. Now I'm in my second year.
So the temperature is intensive, and you can make intensive properties out of the extensive properties by dividing by the numberof moles in the system.
And in that sense when that comes arond and they are moving to labor-intensive manufactured exports, there will be competition.
It's expensive because the process by which we produce it is energy intensive and resource intensive.
Yeats's sense of his own implication in history, well, it's something that we see in the intensive, stylistic transformations that his writing undergoes.
There is intensive farming.
So this design of having students on campus once a month for intensive classes allows students to continue working full time.
It's incredibly gratifying, although very labor-intensive.
That would be a very straightforward functional way to do it, but you could imagine that that's very labor intensive because you've got to separate each individual cell, and you've got to nurture it and then keep track and study what it becomes.
It's quite an intensive process.
So but the diary is a way to get more sophisticated information on individuals for dietary counseling purposes and the like, but it's pretty labor intensive and then it requires either a computer to analyze the diet or some human being who is trained in this to sit down and make sense of the data.
China has been in light manufacturing, ... and India has been on the service sector Labor intensive? -Labor intensive.
If you have the number of moles and two intensive variables, then you know everything there is to know about the system.
So I can make a quantity that I'll call V bar, which is the molar volume, the volume of one mole of a component in my system, and that becomes an intensive quantity.
It's more at service sector, educated manpower skill-intensive? -skill-intensive.