And we can actually better visualize this if we plot how that energy changes as a function of internuclear distance.
So even though we see a nodal plane down the center, I just want to really point out that it's only when we have a nodal plane in the internuclear or the bond axis that we're calling that a pi orbital.
If we're talking about a single bond, we're talking about 2 orbitals overlapping in the internuclear axis.
And a sigma bond forms any time you have two orbitals coming together and interacting on that internuclear axis.
Any time two orbitals come straight on together in that internuclear axis, you're going to have a sigma bond.
Sometimes it's also called the internuclear axis.
So, if we look at this graph where what we're charting is the internuclear distance, so the distance between these two hydrogen atoms, as a function of energy, -- what we are going to see is a curve that looks like this -- this is the general curve that you'll see for any covalent bond, and we'll explain where that comes from in a minute.
When we're talking about r for internuclear distance, we're talking about the distance between two different nuclei in a bond, in a covalent bond.
And remember for this class, we always define z as the internuclear or the bond axis.
A triple bond, again is going to have one sigma bond on the internuclear axis.
The reason that it's a sigma bond is sp3 because the s p 3 hybrid orbital is directly interacting with the 1 s orbital of the hydrogen atom, and that's going to happen on the internuclear axis, they're just coming together.
And when I say internuclear distance, we actually call this r here.
All right, so what we see here is we have our sigma bond that's along the internuclear axis here, but we also have a pi bond, because each of these atoms now has electrons in it's in a p orbital, so we're going to overlap of electron density above and below the bond.
Specifically, it's always the z that forms the sigma orbital, and the reason is at least at a minimum for this class we always define the internuclear axis as the z axis, so this is always the z axis, so it's always going to be the 2 p z's that are coming together head-on.