But thankfully now in 2010, we're at the point where there's a whole lot of free and open source software that you can integrate into your projects that other nice people have made available.
Take a plasmid, cut it open, insert a gene that we want into the plasmid, and then put that plasmid in a host cell, and let the host replicate it.
But abruptly, fiendishly, the tender pattern of nudity I had adored would be transformed into the disgusting lamp-lit bare arm of a man in his underclothes reading his paper by the open window in the hot, damp, hopeless summer night.
On the other hand, these voices spoke of a faith born in that suffering which open them up to the presence of God and the ability to place their suffering into the context of Christ suffering.
And so, we have this cartoon. Again, we have an open beaker and a candle, and we're putting only heat into this beaker, T2 and the temperature goes from T1 to T2.
I'm going to treat this chapter as a sort of microcosm of the book, with respect to its craft. Let's look at how this opens: "The next afternoon when he got his car back, he drove it out into the country to see how well it worked on the open road.
The first step is to take the DNA fragments that we're interested in and put them into this vector by basically cutting open the double stranded DNA and inserting the gene that we like in the region where we've cut.