In 1989, about a year after we went public, we had a horrible problem related to inventory management.
Oh, there's a man at the store and now we have a loop where he is just looking through my inventory one at a time and reciting what it is I actually picked up.
The Wall Street Journal calls around to the dealer, which has an inventory of all these maturities and asks them for their bid and ask.
And we learned a lot about how to do that correctly and arguably became best in the world at managing inventory and dealing with technology transitions after that near-death experience.
And a dealer--what a dealer does is it maintains an inventory of, in this case, treasury bills and then it stands ready to buy and sell.
Notice the top left is a picture of inventory.
He said, the inventory is high; the market is bottoming out and so on.
Now suddenly, the word is that it's falling, so suddenly they don't want these homes, so the inventory of unsold homes has shot up; builders can't sell them and prices are falling.
Well, that program was interesting because it had an inventory which was implemented in Scratch with a list which is kind of like a container that you can add things to again and again.
What you normally do is you go to a dealer and a dealer is someone, a professional, who participated in the auction and bought these up to accumulate an inventory to then sell off to you, the customer.
We'll see they're not quite as versatile as Scratch's little inventory capability.
But what looks like this orange block as of now in Scratch, add orange to your so called inventory, well, it's gonna take at least two lines of code in C to actually create the inventory array with this first line and then put something like the word orange inside of it.