We actually invited her to Princeton to help us to figure out what a good Muslim chaplain would looks like.
And it sounds like there's a party at Jean's house but you haven't been invited yet.
Ken Kesey They invited Ken Kesey to come and speak at the convention, at the teach-in.
And you will be invited to make that mistake on an exam, I'm sure.
I never got invited to their place so I don't know them Bohr liked music.
Big campaign contributors were invited to stay overnight in the Lincoln bedroom at the White House?
But I was invited to come, and I would say as a trailing spouse to become, to work as a counselor on the campus of Earlham College, which is a small, really wonderful and far reaching, -Wonderful, wonderful college.
Last time, I invited you to think about life on the experience machine, where the scientists are busy stimulating your brain in such a way as to give you an exact replica, from the insides of what it would be like having identical experiences to the ones you would have if you were really doing-- well, whatever it is that's worth doing.
For example, if you've been invited to a party and you're very excited to go,
Well, that identification here is re-imagined and we're invited into it, too, troublingly, I think.
So I was invited by the media for interviews, whether it was newspapers, radio, television.
He invited a confederate, a graduate student who was working with him in his lab-- Psychologists--Social psychologists always call people " who are in the employ of the experimenter "confederates."
We are invited to be not merely passive onlookers of this conversation, but active participants in that dialogue that takes place in this book over the course of a single evening.
They bought... they invited like a hundred guests to this party,
They used to play cards, I'm sure. And they invited him to their homes for all their parties.
Louis XIV was invited by his treasurer a man called Fouquet, to go and eat there.