All right? The first one is, that test has to involve-- shouldn't have to, the value of some variable.
Because there are so much that you can learn from the language that doesn't involve textbook reading.
So both of these stories involve floating point values, but only in this case am I actually allocating memory.
People enjoy that in ways that Iser may not be fully acknowledging in this argument, but there's no question that it doesn't involve the violation of expectations.
They often involve networks of reactions, not just one enzyme but a series of enzymes that serve to amplify each other.
There's almost a danger here in listening to it too long or describing it in too much detail and the danger seems or what Milton thinks of as the peril seems to involve the problem of time.
It has its statutes, sort of the mock constitution, and its rituals that involve basically getting wasted.
他们有自己的规则 一种仿宪法的章程,还有基本上是腐败挥霍的仪式
Video on-demand has to do with the delivery what they call content, while the video phone is the deliver of person-to-person communication. These are not nearly the same, but they both involve video.
You also need to bring a calculator, we'll be solving problems that involve calculations.
And much of the studies I'm going to talk about here involve habituation and surprise.
Some of those instructions will involve tests: they'll say, is something true?
So, these are some of the controversies that arise these days from cost-benefit analysis, especially those that involve placing a dollar value on everything to be added up.
You can never--there's a strong legal precedent for not being able to make a claim about stolen bass, because these basses are limited in number, they involve rather simple harmonic progressions, and they've been used over the centuries.
and at some point I'm sure there was a question of cultural imperialism involve.
So financial inventions also involve experimentation.
But we also saw it's a dangerous idea to take too literally: that sometimes this can get you to over think the problem and actually, as in that numbers game last time, the best choice, the winning choice, might not involve so many rounds.