So when I was out of school, mom sent me to take an exam, IQ exam.
Just so you know." Unbeknownst to the teachers, the actual test which was given to those students was a regular off-the-shelf IQ test.
How does IQ relate to intelligence?
And what he found was the students who were labeled-- randomly so, but who were labeled-- "fast spurters", their IQ increased significantly over the year and maintained that increase in a longitudinal study.
The children were chosen at random but the children who were described as showing-- as expected to show a jump in IQ, in fact, did show a jump in their IQ scores and this isn't magic.
Yes, it's a wonderfully reliable test I'll test you today; I'll test you tomorrow; I'll test you next year; I'll test you the day you die; I'll get the same IQ score ? Is it a valid test?
You're going to get these personality tests all the time and the personality tests-- You're applying for a business and " one of the tests says "I like to steal from my bosses " Well, I don't think so No That's a little IQ test right there ? So, the question is how do you avoid that problem?