get back to the initial point is going to require some input from outside, like heat or extra work or extra heat or something because you've done an irreversible process.
This is equal to zero. So this irreversible process this Joule-Thomson process, is a constant enthalpy process. Delta h for this process is equal to zero.
So w, the work is less for the irreversible process than the reversible process.
The energy expanded by the system is smaller for the irreversible process.
So for an irreversible process, I wouldn't really be allowed to put a path there.
The temperature is not going to cool as much for the irreversible process.
But now, so this is where the refrigeration comes in. So if you take a gas, and you're below the inversion temperature and you make it go through this irreversible process, the gas comes out colder from that side than that side.
So this is an irreversible process.
This is an irreversible process.
If I look at different points in my container during that path, I'm going to have to use a different value of pressure or different value of temperature That's not an equilibrium state, and that process turns out then to be an irreversible process.
Let me first ask you this, is this a reversible or in irreversible process? Right, let me add one more piece of data here which I said in words but which is actually important to write down before doing the problem.
if it's a reversible process then the equality holds, but if it's irreversible, which means it happens spontaneously, T then dS is greater than this.