We recognize in ourselves a virtue which is considered to be the cornerstone of many systems of moral understanding.
Um, definitely, I think on average an accountant is considered to be, you know, a bean counter,
An entry is made in the memo whenever an item, memo and an available size pair is considered.
Aristotle is considered the "father of criticism," and yet he is also what Foucault would call a "founder of discursivity."
Nutrition is considered the process, the behavioral process by which people require--acquire nutrients, and use them to promote vital activities.
The ironic fact is, because the New Testament is considered more important by people, there are a whole lot more people who take my New Testament classes than go over to the Classics Department and take a course in Plato.
Because New York is considered the marine camp for anything.
is not to be considered as the effusion of real passion; for passion runs not after remote allusions and obscure opinions.
Having too much triaglyceride or fat in your blood, the wrong kind of fat in particular, is not considered a good thing.
So subservience to a human king, native or foreign, is in these texts considered a rejection of the divine kingship, and it's seen as a breach of the covenant.
The percentage of the English population that would have considered themselves to be middle class is extraordinarily large.
Anyway, they spoke Breton here. Now, Nantes isn't considered technically part of Brittany, but they spoke Breton there, which is basically a Gaelic language.
So when I was a senior, I had marginally considered this is an option.
The first, approach is this that we considered was the soul theory of personal identity, the key to being the same person is having the same soul.
Subprime refers to mortgages, which is not the subject of today's lecture, but a subprime mortgage is a mortgage issued to a borrower who is not considered prime--not a good risk.
So musical notation: the first grid pattern in Western culture-- but it does lock us in in interesting ways that we may-- you perhaps have never considered-- compared to how music is made in other cultures.