It implies that this algorithm is calling itself again and again, and again, and on each time the size of the problem I'm trying to sort is being divided by what?
In fact, there are some very old books that show this as the average, the sum divided by two arithmetic mean, but the modern practice is to use the geometric mean.
And the relationship that he put forth is that the momentum is equal to Planck's constant times nu divided by the speed of light, or it's often more useful for us to think about it in terms of wavelength.
What's 17 divided by 3 is roughly -- one point something, so one point dot, dot, dot, right?
All that matters is the ratio: how many shares I own divided by the number of shares outstanding.
So, three divided by five is zero, with a remainder of three.
That is 6 Newtons divided by 3 kg is also an acceleration of 2.
即,6 牛除以 3 千克同样得到加速度是 2
which is f , divided by the value of the x-axis here.
b The repulsive term goes as some constant lower case b divided by R to the n. N is not the quantum number.
Just take a look: if this is 9, 5 divided by 9 is always going to be 0 point something, and if you thus have two integers and you're rounding down, which is what happens when you do integral math we're using this operator, I'm going to get zero times whatever.
Alright. So, since we have these terms defined, we know the frequency and the wavelength, it turns out we can also think about the speed of the wave, and specifically of a light wave, and speed and is just equal to the distance that's traveled divided by the time the elapsed.
If you have an interest rate--this is approximately equal to-- one plus the real interest rate is equal to divided by one plus the rate of inflation.
So now we have that energy is equal to the negative of the Rydberg constant divided by n squared.
And since we are not expecting the mass of the particle to change, what we really are saying is the uncertainty in its velocity times the uncertainty in its position is greater than the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi.
Three divided by five is zero?
Therefore, it'll compress by an unknown x, which is equal to mg divided by the force constant of the spring.
因此它的压缩量为 x,也就等于 mg 除以弹簧的弹性系数
Again, this is price divided by ten-year earnings, not one-year earnings.
But in our case, the probability of backscattering is going to be the number of balls that backscatter, and that's going to be divided by the total number of ping-pong balls.
Just to give you a sense of what that means, if the 264 figure is pure covalency and the 344 is partial ionic character, what fraction of the 608 is 344? 344, which is partial ionic character, 57% divided by 608 times 100 is 57%.
V All right, or p is equal to a constant divided by volume.
n It takes discrete values, multiples of some integer n, and the multiplication factor is the ratio of the Planck constant divided by 2 pi where n takes one, two, three and so on.
The real interest rate, computed from nominal rates, is equal to one plus the nominal rate divided by one plus the inflation rate, so it corrects for inflation.
由名义利率算得的实际利率 等于,/,它是一个经通胀调整后指标
Cp And delta T is given by the heat, which has to do with how much of the candle burnt, divided by the constant pressure heat capacity.
So, since the speed of light equals lambda nu, we can say that momentum is equal to h divided by lambda.
Their difference divided by the difference in times is going to be the acceleration.
3 So here what I'm doing is 17 divided by 13, but because of this parenthetical, , -- because of that parenthetical -- that has nothing to do with math; -- this is a programming language thing -- that is a casting operation.
The 5 is going to get divided by 9 first.
If x was even, x divided by two is going to be actually the half of x, right?
e The charge on the anion times minus e, so there is the minus e squared, 0R0 and divided by 4 pi epsilon zero r naught, because now I am evaluating this function at r naught, one minus one over n where n is the Born exponent.