If life on the experience machine is not everything, then there's more to the best possible life than getting the insides right.
But the fact is that I'm sure there are a few people - - thay may be more than a few in the facility - who do feel that rock and roll is not exactly what one says fit and proper.
So you can hear, the triplet being inserted, so a triplet is simply insertion of three notes in the place of two, not more complicated than that.
So we have many candidates, So we have many candidates, more than just two; or we have not voting, which is related to that actually; and we have choosing your position, the inability to commit to a position.
It's also that consciousness is alienated from its own underpinnings, that it doesn't have any clear sense of where it's coming from any more than what it's looking at: in other words, that consciousness is not only estranged from the world but that it is in and of itself inauthentic.
So if N is not less than 2, that is I have two elements or more in which case there's definitely some sorting to be done.