But the question is how are those of us of this generation, living that ethic out in the early 21st century?
We finished Black Boy last time, and one of the big questions coming out of my discussion of that autobiography is: how do you manage the question of context in reading a novel or an autobiography--in reading any text?
The crucial question is,what did you want out of survival?
It could be the pair of none, none, it could be the pair of, you know, whatever the answer was that we put up there. That value comes back out and is now available inside the scope of Barnyard. OK. And Barnyard then uses that. Question?
Putting aside,for the most part,the soul view, because I've argued that there are no souls-- although occasionally I bring it out just for the sake of comparison and contrast-- the main question we want to ask ourselves is how to choose between the body view and the personality view.