So, he went to this community college and got one of their library computers and he issued the press release there.
I also issued them a passport, put their picture in it, had them sign their names, check to see how they know their addresses.
So, there's been a number of articles that documented that stock prices tend to jump shortly after options are issued to managers.
It's in response to what was deemed to be the chaotic condition of English religious culture that the Presbyterian-led Parliament issued in 1643 the Licensing Act.
Philip Morris was pilloried in the press and they issued an apology for this heartless calculation.
If it suddenly goes up right after they're issued you kind of suspect that something is screwy here.
So, if a bond was issued when interest rates were lower, they might have a 4% coupon when the prevailing rate is 6%.
They would announce in December that we issued back in August these options to our executives.
In my final slide is a picture of the first indexed bond; this is issued by the State of Massachusetts I actually own this bond.
So, they must have been lying about the date that they issued the options.
They also have government-issued notes and that's from one to ten years and bonds this is just jargon- these are ten or more, well actually more than ten.
Subprime refers to mortgages, which is not the subject of today's lecture, but a subprime mortgage is a mortgage issued to a borrower who is not considered prime--not a good risk.
You see there aren't as many of these issued.
They never kept all the gold for all the dollars that they issued so you could say it's still backed by gold. The really important thing is it's not convertible into gold.
We call an instrument of the U.S. Treasury with a maturity less than or equal to one year--we call that a bill and they used to be the only discount bonds issued by the U.S. Government.
I could have brought it to class and showed it to you, but this was issued during the Revolutionary War to help finance the war.