Plato's going to argue once we understand the sort of metaphysical nature of the soul, we'll see why it couldn't be destroyed.
She said it was nearby, but couldn't give me the address.
"Gee. It couldn't be the coffee."
Locke thought no, you couldn't possibly take this view seriously if you thought about what it meant.
It makes it possible for people to borrow who otherwise couldn't borrow.
For example, in terms of the atomic theory of matter, at the time at the turn of the Century, the understanding was that atoms were the most basic constituent of matter, meaning you couldn't break atoms up into anything smaller - that was it, you're done.
But, you know, you couldn't resist it.
That isn't there. So it couldn't do it, so instead that's what append is for, is to stick things on to the end of the list.
It's a set of images that couldn't be more foreign or more alien to the prophetic mode of the Old Testament prophets.
You couldn't really distinguish them, so certainly it has the worlds come up with names for programs.
You couldn't get rid of faction by saying to men, it's not good to be factious, you should think of the whole community at all times.
All right, so it might be that again, the problem with enforcement, although actually in 1880 America, it's not clear that they couldn't have enforced that contract.
Like in popular music there's often a couple of verses and a chorus and a bridge and you can predict each different movement of the piece, and that's more regular than-- Couldn't say it better myself.
Well, I just think that if he was making his own original idea and it was his idea to start with, then that would be the only situation in which I would see it being appropriate in any way because that way you couldn't make the argument that he was pressured, you know it's three-to-one or whatever the ratio was.
I know you couldn't do the details, but you should at least know that it's i prime and j prime that have been replaced by i and j.
我知道你们不太注意细节,但你们至少应该知道 i' 和 j',已经被 i 和 j 取代了
We couldn't have afforded to buy it now.
I couldn't do it.
If you start listing all the things worth having in life, it might seem as though you couldn't possibly come to any general organizing principles.
It is a rare person who couldn't stand up there and everybody would figure out what they're lying about, but the transparency effect is we don't feel that way.
Because if there was really just one thing there, you couldn't imagine it without it.
So we need something to direct it, but why couldn't that just be, one particular part of the body plays the part of the command module?
Some fact about us that calls out for explanation, and the claim on the part of the dualists was, we couldn't explain it without appealing to a soul.