It's a set of images that couldn't be more foreign or more alien to the prophetic mode of the Old Testament prophets.
And intuitively, it seems plausible to many people that you couldn't have free will and be subject to determinism.
All heat couldn't get successfully converted into work That would be desirable, but it's not possible.
For example, by the way, the compulsion to repeat nasty episodes, - to revisit trauma, and to repeat the unpleasurable-- well, that could just be called masochism, couldn't it?
You couldn't get rid of faction by saying to men, it's not good to be factious, you should think of the whole community at all times.
If it were negative--it's very unlikely that it's negative-- it couldn't be negative.
"Gee. It couldn't be the coffee."
Couldn't that be a kind of existence that would be forever enjoyable and yet it wouldn't be a rat-like existence?
Plato's going to argue once we understand the sort of metaphysical nature of the soul, we'll see why it couldn't be destroyed.
So we need something to direct it, but why couldn't that just be, one particular part of the body plays the part of the command module?
Mind you, it's not that I think we couldn't be stimulated to get pleasure forever.
But that didn't mean it couldn't be done.
And another philosopher, Descartes, in thinking about God's omnipotence, thought that it wouldn't be good enough if God as omnipotent couldn't change the facts of mathematics.
Couldn't it still be the case that as long as we take into account the importance of getting the right kinds of pleasures, then really pleasure is what it's all about and all that it's about? No, I think that's still not right.
Maybe reading philosophy would be somethin that as long as you were doing it you couldn't die or, as perhaps some religious traditions might've taught, as long as you were engaged in prayer ? you couldn't die. Wouldn't that be nice?
It couldn't be that people who have high SAT scores tend to do poorly in college.