Does it follow from that that their experiences should not be taken as evidence of what the afterlife is like?
Now, roughly speaking, Socrates' seems to think it's going to follow straightforwardly from that that the soul must itself be something non-physical.
Well, it would follow then from one, two, and three that we are not a purely physical system.
From the mere fact that they can't picture it from the inside, it doesn't follow that nobody believes they're ever in dreamless sleep.
It's determined by the laws of nature that the effect that follows will follow from that cause.
From the mere fact that you can't picture from the inside what it's like to be dead, it doesn't follow that nobody believes they're going to die.
So even if it were true that belief requires picturing, and even if were true that you can't picture being dead from the inside, it wouldn't follow that you can't believe you're going to die.
If some invisible things can be destroyed, and harmony is an example of that, then, by golly, it's going to follow that we can't conclude from the invisibility of the soul that the soul can't be destroyed.
Just because it looks as though we can imagine it and just because it seems as though from the fact that we can imagine one without the other, it just won't necessarily follow that we really do have two things that are separate and not identical in the real world.