Remember there is that citadel standing on a high hill; the acropolis as it is called, the polis up high.
But it is called, it's short for the "Triangle below the Canal".
And the third one talks about the question of degeneracy, and it is called the Hund's Rule.
It's because their pursuing something rather than running away from something-- " it is called "approach rather than avoidance goals"-- we'll talk about that during the week on goals.
The final sin I want to talk about is probably the most common, and it's called the Texas sharpshooter fallacy.
The third area is what I might think of is an evaluation or assessment as it sometimes is called.
And the reason it was called 'the naked place' is because, of course, young Greek men always exercised in the nude and played sports in the nude.
Dakota And this is one of them from 2002 called Dakota, and I think you will see immediately how and why it is related to On the Road.
The fifth degree of the scale after the tonic is the next most important and it's called the dominant note.
This Decalogue, which is often called the ritual Decalogue, so it's listed on there in Exodus 34, bans intermarriage with Canaanites less they entice the Israelites into worship of their gods.
It turns out that this quantity here, which is called eta of J the Joule free expansion parameter, is not quite zero.
And this is called photoelectron spectroscopy, and essentially what it is is very similar conceptually to what we were talking about way back in the first couple lectures when we were talking about the photoelectric effect.
It could be called something which is a kind of pleasure and which therefore could be subsumed under the pleasure principle and would obviate the need for a theory of the death drive as Freud develops it in Beyond the Pleasure Principle.
So let me go ahead and pull up the staff solution 15 to the standard edition for a moment, the game is called 15, it takes one command line argument which is the dimensions of the board 3 by 3, 4 by 4, I'll do it 4 by 4.
What FASB does for the United States is it creates what are called Generally Accepted Accounting Practices.
Well the way to find it is by using a process called electrophoresis and Southern blotting.