Now, as obvious a statement as that is in this algorithm, it turns out that is the key to this whole problem being solved correctly without my algorithm looping infinitely.
That is to say, it is not self-evident, or it is not always intuitively obvious what our interests are.
And I wanted to show that common knowledge is not such an obvious a concept, as I've made it seem on the board.
That is the fundamental idea that may seem simple and obvious to you, but it certainly wasn't back when the idea first came up.
Now, it's not obvious but it is true that you cannot add to this anymore.
It's not just that he seems obvious but is really subtle.
Middle east is emboiled into so many security issues that it's not obvious ... that it's ready to join you know...sort of ... and focused mainly on economic development.
I'm not a professor of architecture, but it's obvious this is northern European architecture that you can see in northern France, cities like Arras and other places, or Charleville-Mezieres in the Ardennes.
And you'll find in the end that recursion is a feature of a language, it allows you to map some very obvious concepts like the phonebook tearing in half and half and half and half to actual code without it using some arbitrary human contrived framework like a for loop or a while loop which are much more stilted mechanisms.
It's obvious that the bottom line of my two-day trip is this object C.
显然我两天的行程结果就是这个矢量 C
The first and most obvious thing to say about the Republic is that it is a long book.
What is it that's different about this game from the... What's the obvious thing just looking at this picture that makes it different from the partnership game.