It was written by someone almost 100 years ago whose native language isn't English.
So that line was certainly written not by Moses; it was written by someone at a much later time who's looking back and referring to the time when the Canaanites were in the land.
In other words, it was written directly in the aftermath of a bombshell published by Leon Trotsky called Literature and Revolution in 1926.
It was written in the second century sometime by a guy in Rome named Hermas,and it's called The Shepherd.
Milton clearly wants us to know that this Nativity Ode was written by a young Londoner in 1629, but it's a poem that is at the same time deliverable to the infant Christ by some extraordinary violation, of course, of all of the established laws of temporal sequence.
The interesting thing is, actually everyone calls it the Paulson proposal, but it was apparently mostly written by a young man who is in his early thirties You may not consider that young but I think that is young.
It was written in 1951 and it was published in 1957 by Viking.