What interested them was that they spoke to a fisherman but it wasn't a fisherman. It was a woman.
I was like, "it's a castle from 1400." I was like, "America wasn't even built by 1400."
It wasn't nearly as big as Rome, which would consist of a million inhabitants fairly quickly around this time.
It was nice because it wasn't just, "Okay, Let's write a story" or "Let's do a research about the animal" or "Let's do a poem about fish".
G P Thompson And it turns out that G.P. Thompson, and I'm sure this wasn't the case, but I like to think of it as a little bit of child rebelling against the father.
He was a poet who died before he could take up his career, and it's not unlikely that -- he wasn't married - that he was also a poet who died while he was still a virgin.
There was a place in which from the earth there came-- it wasn't steam, what would it be?
The idea of working in an office, pushing papers 70 to 80 hours a week, although as lucrative as it might be, wasn't something I felt I will be really using my own personal skill set to benefit people on a mass level.
It wasn't just California, because California was a huge state, with all kinds of--but mostly empty--land.
I mean it wasn't terrible, it was sort of a precursor to what people are trying to do It flopped miserably, but I'm glad we did it.
But remember, it wasn't a list.
And it wasn't a neutral massacre.
It wasn't just a profitable financial institution.
It wasn't that bad really, it was kind of interesting, I learnt a lot," to justify what they did.
Just like it wasn't a crazy thing to say if we only had the guy in Michigan.
Close reading, the idea that you could take a text and do things with it--that the interpretation of a text wasn't just a matter of saying, "Oh, yes, it's about this and isn't it beautiful?"