OK. I know. It looks boring. But it's a structure of the things I want to think about when I go through trying to take a problem and mapping it into a iterative program.
So I'm going to build something that's going to do iterative exponentiation.
We used iterative deletion in a relatively abstract setting, or not abstract, rather a play setting last time in which were choosing numbers.
The last point I want to make to you is, you've started writing programs that you would think of as being inherently iterative.
OK. So last time around, we talked about, or introduced if you like, iterative programs.
Once you hear that description, it's easy to write the code, in fact. This is a place where the recursive version of it is much easier to think about than the iterative one.
If I want to try and decide how to tackle a problem in an iterative matter, here the steps I'm going to go through. First thing I'm going to do, is I'm going to choose a variable that's going to count.
So if the only tool I taught you in this class was dominated strategies and the iterative deletion of dominated strategies we'd be stuck.
We saw some quadratic algorithms, typically those are things with multiple nested loops, or iterative or recursive calls, where you're doing, say, a linear amount of time but you're doing it a linear number of times and so it becomes quadratic, and you'll see other polynomial kinds of algorithms.
So have I convinced you that there's something you can do with iterative deletion?
This process is called the "iterative deletion of dominated strategies."
I think that's probably enough for iterative deletion.
Iterative Deletion of Dominated Strategies.
Whether it was recursive or iterative.
So what Christine is arguing is, even though it's the case that 2 is not a dominated strategy, if we do the process of iterative deletion of dominated strategies and we delete the dominated strategies, then maybe we should look again and see if it's dominated now.