They tracked back who sold who shorted and who had sold just before--just at that time.
kind of creepy but kind of cool at the same time that they can just do that.
If I wanted every stock to have the same volatility, I could just do that, if you will, at the time I wrote my program.
You begin to realize that all of these big seemingly complicated pieces of software in websites that you use, if you just hone in on little pieces of them at a time and you realize oh I can do that and oh I can do that.
So basically, at the time he was just going on size and then traits, but what we actually know today is that we can also order things in the periodic table by electron configuration.
I don't just mean the fact that people are dying all around us, but I mean rather, you yourself could die at any time.
Why if you could do that ? would you wish to be just at the same time, ? or wish to be just instead of that?
It was easy to tell if somebody had an infectious disease but you might not have known that they had cancer at that time and they just died.
Notice here, just to underline something which came up at the end last time, that doesn't just mean beliefs of the form, the goalie's going to dive left or the goalie's going to dive right.
At the same time, he is saying that just by picking an acorn or taking an apple or maybe killing a buffalo on a certain amount of land, that makes it yours because it's your labor and your labor would enclose that land.
Well let's see. My fall back is, I could just do linear search, walk down the list one at a time, just comparing those things. OK. So that's sort of my base. But what if I wanted, you know, how do I want to get to that sorted list? All right?
It's not just a coincidence that they're doing it at the same time.
Well, realize one of the themes in this course and really one of the themes in programming and solving any problem with a machine is going to be really to just take small bites one at a time out of these problems until the end result ultimately is that you've actually bitten off a fairly large fairly interesting problem and in the aggregate, you've actually implemented something pretty sophisticated.
So, that's sort of the mathematically how we get to a, but we can also just look at the graph here, because every time we go one wavelength we can see that we're back in a maximum.
It's just some random chunk of four bytes that happens to be available at this point in time, but I can put something there.
And let's just suppose that we're dealing with the normal case, where the body functioning stops at the same time as the personality functioning stops.
I was just finding very tunnel vision-like, the smallest elements at that moment in time which means I don't know anything about the other elements other than they are not the smallest and so no matter what with Selection Sort I had to repeat this again and again and again and if you do out the math it's roughly N squared steps in the worst case as well.