They keep out bandits and things like that.
If it doesn't work, change it and just keep revising it, eventually something good comes out of it.
Walls keep out malfaiteurs-- evil doers.
On the other hand, if out of sight out of mind, they should expect the screen to keep going.
So, as these products form, they continue to fall out of the way and keep this interface open.
And it is not about giving either time out or motivation to keep people engaged.
So let's step through this with a little more care And I keep saying, before we do it, - let's just actually try it out.
They had to get that all worked out, it had to be done accurately, and they had to decide to keep a certain amount of co-insurance.
The "Vinca String Quartet" so keep an eye out for them.
The date that's sort of typical for the general phenomenon of colonization coming out of the mother cities of Greece is again that date we keep talking about, 750 roughly.
They're trying to lay out an argument which is consistent and continuous and keep surprise to a minimum.
Then, the next challenge was to figure out how to keep the dots on the streets because they were going all over the place.
but we need a sense of growth, not just spending to keep us out of depression essentially
And when we make these comparisons, one thing I want to point out is that we need to keep the constant principle quantum number constant, so we're talking about a certain state, so we could talk about the n equals 2 state, or the n equals 3 state.
Keep an eye out for this, particularly in pop music.
A public--a lot of companies don't want to be public because you can't keep secrets very well; you've got to regularly put those things up online and they're out there for everybody to see.