If this were to be an absolute zero Kelvin, then we could we can have something, T2 Sorry, it's T2.
OK, for most gases, T inversion is much 300K greater than 300 degrees Kelvin. Much greater than room temperature.
And that's consistent with other things that we've seen, Remember the whole thing about the perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin has zero entropy It's completely ordered.
And I'm going to call this the you can break even at zero degrees Kelvin law.
All right, next time we're going to talk about a much better scale, which is the ideal gas thermometer and how we get to the Kelvin scale.
And what that corresponds to, if you recall, is the idea that in a perfect crystal at zero degrees Kelvin then you have no disorder at all.
All right, so you can't get perfect efficiency, 0 but at least if you were able to go to zero degrees Kelvin, then you'd be all set.
And so now, instead of using these reference points for the Kelvin scale, we use the absolute zero, which isn't going to care what the pressure is.
And we had the similar statement by Kelvin about the heat engine that required that some heat gets dumped into a cold reservoir in the process of converting the heat from the hot reservoir into work.
So, this temperature, this absolute zero here, which is absolute zero on the Kelvin scale.
And it's, again it's a macroscopic pretty big thing so typical might be 10 kilojoules per Kelvin, and that's pretty big, right?
And our other reference point is the triple point of water - reference points become zero Kelvin, absolute zero, and the triple point.
The reference points are water freezing or boiling, and the interpolation is linear and then that morphed into the Kelvin scale as we're going to see later.
The only way you could possibly contemplate it is to be working at absolute zero Kelvin.
If you could get to zero degrees Kelvin, you'd get perfect efficiency, 0 but you can't get to zero degrees Kelvin, you can't. Even if you have an infinite amount of resources, you can't get there.
Ordinary heat capacities are in Joule's per Kelvin mole, not kilojoules, right.
Let's draw it in degrees Kelvin, instead of in degrees Celsius.
f So we have now temperature in degrees Kelvin.
And then you would get the Kelvin scale.
You can only do it at zero degrees Kelvin.
You can't get to zero Kelvin.
So you need first to take the liquid helium and cool it below 53 degrees Kelvin before you can do the Joule-Thomson to cool it even further to make liquid helium.
10kJ/K That's the heat released, divided by minus 10 or 10 kilojoules per Kelvin, right. It's 8.2 Kelvin.
The triple point of water is going to be defined as 273.16 degrees Kelvin.
And so redefining then the temperature scale to the Kelvin scale, where t in degrees Kelvin is equal to t in degree Celsius, plus 273.15.
A molar enthalpy of or whatever, iron, as a solid at 298.15 Kelvin is zero.
You take your room temperature liquid helium and you cool it with liquid nitrogen to 77 degrees Kelvin, the new, you're not quite there yet 77k unfortunately right? Then you take hydrogen you cool it would liquid nitrogen to 77, then you can use your hydrogen gas.
We have an interpolation scheme between zero and 273.16 with two values for this quantity, and we have a linear interpolation that defines our temperature scale, our Kelvin temperature scale.
Last time we reach the third law which is telling us that we can't quite get to zero degrees Kelvin .but that as the temperature approaches zero degrees Kelvin, the absolute entropy of a pure substance in perfect crystalline form is zero.