Ritual impurity also defiles or renders impure sancta, and so it has to be kept separate from sancta.
And you'll say, "What?" I mean, they've kept this from you. You look at them and say,
Milton, like so many of his contemporaries, kept a commonplace book and, as you can imagine, he kept it for the most part in Latin.
They have a quarantine house where they would put people who were travelers arriving there, because walls kept out plagues.
Was it just the Greek sense of honor and propriety that kept them from doing more creative sneak attack?
The Roman Catholic Old Testament has the same books that the Protestant Old Testament has, but they kept these other Greek Jewish documents.
He noticed that the pigeons started behaving in strange ways and he kept them separate so they couldn't learn from each other.
We actually threw half of the list away and we kept dividing it down, until ultimately we got something of size one to search.
There are still some active smallpox virus specimens kept in the world, and there are two sources of small--two places where smallpox is stored now.
This is the strongest memory I have, and I remembered a) that I didn't learn them, and that was really bad because it kept coming up, but the other thing I remember is that I had no idea why they were important. I didn't really understand what any of these molecules were.
But he kept on building. -Yeah.
Good, so in the standard story you've got these two crooks, or two accused crooks, and they're in separate cells and they're being interviewed separately--kept apart--and they're both told that if neither of them rats the other guy out, they'll go to jail for say a year.
在故事里有两个罪犯,他们都被指控了 被分别关进了牢房,他们俩被单独提审,两人都知道如果他们不坦白,他们都要只需要坐一年牢
You are really out on a limb - if you're going to defend poetry--as Richards kept doing-- as "pseudo-statement," but of course pseudo-statement" is just another expression for what he calls here "fiction."
It's kept up very, very nicely and very beautifully. So we are lucky to have it.
making sure that, you know, the building is kept up, building is safe and maintained,
He also means "my relation to them," "the way I kept myself apart from them."