I think there was another key one in the mid-90s when we said: we have to go in the server business.
Another key event in the making of modernism is the great migration of African-Americans from the rural south to the urban north.
I've put it in the key-- what's called the bass clef here-- and it's in a major key.
But the first key issue is that it's good in and of itself-- almost needs no justification.
It also provides Milton with the figure of Mammon who will, as you will see over the course of this semester become - well, here in Paradise Lost he's one of the key fallen angels in Milton's hell.
Again, each of them seems to represent, in a superior way, the key components of the human soul, the appetitive, the war-like or spirited, and the rational.
We find--examples of this thought that brain is the key in all places.
Occasionally, you get things written in triple meter and in a minor key--minor key.
And they got in this habit of, every time they had a bright, happy text, they'd set this in one kind of mode or key-- a major mode--and every time they had a sad one, they'd set it in minor.
We'll be in the key of E-flat.
We've got some chords set out and we're going to-- we've got some chords set out here and we're in the key of C at this point, and we're going to hear Beethoven go to a tonic chord, then a sub-dominant chord, then a tonic chord, then a dominant chord and so on.