"That man" he says "is much more a political animal " than any kind of bee or herd animal is clear."
I don't know, a very English, sort of stiff upper lip kind of man.
He is not a kind of socio-biologist of politics, although he sometimes appears this way when he says that man is a political animal.
In a sense it is an image of the English countryside at a moment in which it is being emptied out, its young men sent to France to die, a kind of no man's land already.
When these tyrannies take place, they last for different periods of time, but when the tyrant is removed, what follows after that is, there is never again in that town a one-man rule of any kind.
You can go... Oh man, there's all kind of stuff around here,
He is independent in a way that nobody who was not a king or an aristocrat in the past has ever been -- a new kind of man, the backbone of the polis as it emerges.
Now, that's a very important point, because why in the world would you give a shield of the kind I am describing, for a man to defend himself, if you imagine him standing by himself anywhere, if you imagine him any distance from the rest of the guys fighting alongside of him.
Some notion of being above yourself and thinking yourself more than a man with the implication that you are approaching some kind of divinity by being more than a man, and acting accordingly,which usually requires that you use violence to achieve what you want.