Then, I tell you I went for 5 km on the second day and another 5 km on the third day.
You can deal with this by saying not just 5 km, but plus or minus 5 km.
Yeah. So I spent two years in Israel studying in the place called Gush at Etsyon the Etsyon Block which is about 20 km south of Jerusalem.
So I could be 10 km from home, I could be 0 km from home, or I could be -10, if I'd gone two steps to the left.
我有可能距营地10公里,也可能是0公里,也可能是 -10,如果我两次都是向左的话
But, you know, in 2D, the options are not just left and right or north and south, but infinity of possible directions in which I could go those 5 km.
It's not enough to say I went 5 km.
These two guys are 5 km long.