I was neither at the hot gates Nor fought in the warm rain Nor knee deep in the salt marsh, heaving a cutlass, Bitten by flies, fought.
Now, let's imagine I've been very lucky and gotten to you-- just get down on your knee.
If you tap somebody on the knee, your leg will jump out.
In our hallway, ablaze with welcoming lights, my Lolita peeled off her sweater, shook her gemmed hair, stretched towards me two bare arms, raised one knee. "Carry me upstairs, please. I feel sort of romantic tonight."
Satan finds it ignominious and shameful to lower himself to God, to bow and sue for grace with suppliant knee and deify His power, but this kind of submission is shameful not because it's simply always shameful so to debase oneself.
That large, white knee: the way this narration allows us to see through Haze's eyes Haze the whole body apart, so what he sees is not Mrs. Watts; he sees a large, white knee.