Now why--and here is the question why do we get this nervousness about the relationship between what I know and how I know it arising at this moment?
So, hedge funds do not advertise, that's why people don't know about them and they have a mysterious -they sound mysterious.
Why were some books--there were a lot more early Christian pieces of literature that we know of.
PROFESSOR: Great question. So the question is, how do you choose an algorithm, why would I choose to use a pseudo-polynomial algorithm when I don't know how big the solution is likely to be, I think that's one way to think about it.
She didn't know why but she listened to him after all-- he was Gandhi.
So, the radical idea here is you might not know what--why you do what you do and this is something we accept for things like visual perception.
Percent daily--no, I don't know why that's not on there actually.
So, give me two more minutes, I'm going to end, and a few of you, faces, I've heard this before, people that I know; but, I guess one reason why I'm in history--well, because I read a book a long time ago.
It's a secret number so that if Julius Caesar scrambled his message with the key 13, well, then the recipient had better know what that number is or realistically, -- and this is why it's kind of hard to buy -- into some of these age old algorithms, -- what would an alternative approach be to figuring out Julius Caesar's messages to his generals if he didn't know that secret number was 13?
But for now let's simply say that we have a diffraction which we know occurs only by wave-like behavior and it involves the use of x-rays. Why x-rays?
.. I just don't--people don't like-- ... people would rather hate-- I don't know why it's something-- it wouldn't be a good movie theme, would it?
And part of it is mystical-- still not understandable-- but we are going to talk about as much as we know-- why it works and how it works.
I don't know if any of you watched tennis recently, but the U.S. Open has been shown and there's an Oreo advertisement with the William sisters and so you--that's why people know about these foods.