You know it all started when I was three."
I don't know it all that well personally.
You know, it's like lots of courses and all sorts of things that you're seeing, they're always the same.
He brings it up as if we know that this is what he's been talking about all the time.
Well, probably you want to know some of it but you might not want to know all of it right?
It usually follows from this that somebody like this points out that whereas we all know that a democratic society is the best society to live in, poetry prefers feudal society: it makes better poetry.
Now granted we're now starting to take this all shuttle theme to an extreme perhaps, but we realized you know what, it's actually not that efficient sometimes to call a phone number, it's not that efficient to pull up the mobile web.
It's just a little meditation technique, I know that I heard all music as a part of a larger mantra in Buddhism.
So putting that all together, I know that it must go through here again, and once again, i get a straight line.
Now it goes without saying that we all know what virginity is.
All right, we know this is what it comes out to.
I stress it in particular because I know you're all going to get into this stage; you've got a problem set due in a couple of hours, you're still writing the code, you don't want to waste time, and I'm going to use quotes on "waste time", doing those extra things to do the defensive programming, you just want to get the darn thing done.
And then lastly there's Allan Gurganus, that wonderful Modern Southern writer who wrote that book called The Oldest Confederate Widow Tells All, you know that bizarre it's a wonderful read.
I'm sure you all do know people who believe in it.
But the question is, is this the most general answer, or is it just one answer, and I think you all know that this is not the most general answer.
And we've all been in this, where we know that it's shameful to look at this, just drive on, as Socrates would say " "mind your own business," and yet at the same time we feel, even against our will, compelled to look and think about that.
I was just reading his book right now about, you know, the rise of Facebook and how it all started.
Does anyone have that in their brain somewhere for ready use? I don't, in fact, so it's actually okay if you don't know all your common ions, if you missed that part.
The trading commissions will eat up all of your profits and professionals know that, so it's bad behavior.