And this spin magnetic quantum number we abbreviate as m sub s, so that's to differentiate from m sub l.
In contrast, if we're taking the wave function and describing it in terms of n, l, m sub l, and now also, the spin, what are we describing here?
It turns out there's a new function strlen S-T-R-L-E-N that you probably have not used yet called strlen, S-T-R-L-E-N, programmers early on and still like to be succinct but communicates sufficiently what they mean.
Didn't create a new list. The old l is still there but it's different than it used to be.
n l m s Once we have chosen a certain mix of n, l, m and s, it is used once for that particular atom.
Some languages like English has a-- have a distinction between 'l' and 'r.' Other languages do not.
It's as if Milton places the beautiful poetry of Shakespeare into the mouth of this evil magician so as to dismiss all the more easily the easy, L'Allegro-mode of poetry that Shakespeare seems for Milton to embody.
And is no longer that sole determining factor for energy, energy also depends both l on n and on l.
l Stupid convention, but you have to do dash L and then the name of the library.
So I show that here, so in green, you have what's called a carboxcylic acid group, a c o o h, which gets converted by s o c l 2 to a c double bond o c l or an acid chloride.
n*pi/L It turns out it is n pi over l.
So let's think about lists. So if l is a list, l sort I can call something like s dot sort, l dot sort.
And so, in this case, l could equal zero, 2 l could equal one or l could equal two.
R And we abbreviate that by calling it r, l by two quantum numbers, and an l as a function of little r, radius.
So let's just think exactly what this means, and that means that if we take away function and we define it in terms of n, l and m sub l, what we're defining here is the complete description of an orbital.
So when we talk about p orbitals, it's similar to talking about s orbitals, and the difference lies, and now we have a different value for l, so l equals 1 for a p orbital, and we know if we have l equal 1, we can have three different total orbitals that have sub-shell of l equalling 1.