These are poems, in other words, that come with little labels to tell you what they mean and what they're about.
and finding the dead bodies that hadn't been found and putting labels on them
Eventually you will, at least, need to know the labels and know a little bit more about them.
But packaged foods have labels, and this is made possible because of government action taken some years ago.
And in red is a hair cell marker that labels sensory hair cells and the yellow color is the composite color of the green and the red.
So, what happens here is this opening phrase, that we'll call A-- musicians like to label stuff just with alphabetical labels to keep it simple.
The best way to label this DNA is by designing probes or labels that hybridize with specific sequences that you're interested in.
Now, in that Northern society and here we're using labels pretty loosely, but so be it the northern states; and well I'll leave the outline up for the moment. No I won't.
bviously,the phases are no longer in alphabetical order, but I introduced D in the middle so the other phases could keep their same labels.
Okay. I'm a producer for a record label called B-Boy Records. One of the original labels
Highly educated people, a lot of you probably care a lot about food, think about labels, read them and things like that, not one person out of the 300-350 people in this room guessed correctly within ten percent margin of error.
Trans fats are in a great many foods and if you start looking carefully at food labels you'll see how many foods have Trans fats.
You may know from reading food labels that these ingredients in any food label are listed in order of how much there is in the food itself, so sugar comes right after peanuts.
You may know that there are big fights being waged around the country now between governments that want restaurants to put calories on their labels -not on labels but on the restaurant menus, or on the menu boards in the restaurant, and the restaurant industry doesn't want this at all.
The press started writing a lot about Trans fats and then the government required Trans fats to be shown on labels, and then the food industry really had to pay attention and a lot of them started taking out Trans fats.
But it's also important to understand what's in foods and that's why food labels are so important.
If you start to look at food labels more carefully, what you'll find is some version of sugar, and if you find ose, o-s-e at the end of something, that means it's a sugar.