It's a ladder used to ascend a tree, it's a kind of tool of ascent that's a kind of a tool for getting fruit.
There are two upright struts of the ladder, one shown in blue here, the other shown black.
This is just the ladder.
As early as 1826 an important pro-slavery writer named Edward Brown argued that "Slavery," he said, quote: "Had ever been the stepping ladder by which nations have passed from barbarism to civilization."
There's no ladder, no differences between CEO and an average engineer on the surface.
The consolation is they're killing people at the top too so they're going to so when you do get a job in a financial institution there will be more spaces above you on the ladder to move up.
It's a twisted ladder and there's a couple of things to notice about this familiar structure.
One is that there are two backbones right here in the light blue, so this would be the upright parts of the ladder that are twisted.
On the inside are the rungs or the struts that hold the ladder together.
This represents the upright struts on a ladder that I showed you before, it represents this backbone that's shown by - that's formed by polymerizing the pentose's together through phosphate's always going 5' to 3', 5' to 3'.
线条代表梯子,上下的支柱 之前给你们演示过,代表由多聚戊糖分子,通过磷酸基从5'端向3'端方向,连接起来的主链
The corresponding half of the ladder that corresponds to any given ladder, let's say the black DNA molecule that corresponds to the blue one is not just a mirror image.
That's because you have to satisfy this base pair matching in order to have hydrogen bonding in each of the struts of the ladder in order to form a stable structure.