It can be argued that the Ancient Near Eastern people with the most lasting legacy is a people that had an idea.
Memory cells are long lasting cells that remember this exposure and can respond very quickly on second exposure.
He said:The good, lasting stuff comes out of one's individual imagination, and sensitivity to, and comprehension of, not out of the memory of one's own grief.
And similarly, pleasures can be longer lasting, or more intense.
So this might be a longer lasting, more permanent form of elimination of expression of a particular gene.
And so many scholars, and many people, have remarked that it's not a small irony that the Ancient Near Eastern people with one of the, or perhaps the most lasting legacy, was not a people that built and inhabited one of the great centers of Ancient Near Eastern civilization.
It's perfectly fine, but they envy us for our finite lifespans, because what we've got and they don't have is something that's for each individual rare-- something that's not lasting, something that's precious in that way.