By the way,the Cyrillic to Latin translation has not been agreed upon, so you will see Mendeleev's name spelled many different ways.
Yeah, yeah. So, basically in Classics, we read sort of great works in Greek and Latin and discuss them.
So when you see the word "book" in ancient Greek or Latin, they didn't think of this. They thought of scrolls.
He published a treatise that he had written earlier on grammar, inventing his own system for the understanding and the learning of the Latin language.
And nobody quibbles because nobody speaks Latin so it is neutral for everybody.
The word for king in Latin is rex.
From reading of such books," Hobbes continues, "men have undertaken to kill their kings because the Greek and Latin writers in their books and discourses of policy make it lawful and laudable for any man to do so provided before he do it he call him a tyrant."
And, at one point in time, he laments the end of the old Latin world and the B.C. world, when people could have these child slaves.
Now, the Boyars, in the 1660s and the 1670s, some of them began to learn Latin and Polish.
It's exactly what we did with the World Bank and the IMF, with the Mashall Plan, with then the Alliance for Progress later, looking at Latin America.
That comes from the Latin word which sounds like apple, The word malum for evil is close to the Latin word for apple which if anybody knows... whatever.
By the same token--I still speak Latin--the sound image corresponding to it is "arbor."
And I'm also really interested in literature in general not just Greek and Latin by any means.
Vacca is the, I'm sure there's a Latin scholar in here that will correct my pronunciation, but vacca is the Latin word for cow.
spent a lot of time going to Latin America to work on poverty alleviation projects,
He knew Greek at the age of three, Latin at eight, and age 10, he wrote "A History of Roman Law."