With any innovation, it's important not only to launch it properly but also to consider how to sustain it over time.
I helped launch a volunteer organization on campus.
For now I want to tell you a little bit about what open course ware is and also share with you some work experience with our first public launch of the site.
And a group of alumni decided to launch an initiative called the Civic Value Initiative.
But I mean, if you launch a feature, obviously retention is going to go up.
I want to make one other point before we launch into that, and that is the following: that composers use the rate of harmonic change-- whether it's changing or not changing-- to sort of make us feel different ways about the music that we are listening to.
You don't need to launch a browser and type in a URL address.
It's all stage-driven, the stage being a billboard and the stage being a keynote or the stage being a product launch.
We just launch the site three weeks ago.
What's now the most efficient use of people's time, like how can people maybe be working on stuff not serially but I didn't say someone's working on launching a high school product on the photos and someone else is working on the thing every launch next to each, you know.
But focusing on things that are sustainable and scalable so that when we launch more schools or go into the next market or whatever we do, we're going to set ourselves up to have the same success that we've had without hurting our self in the current position.
In this mode either the students can self-study, Work on their own, or often Prof. Perdue will use These materials in the classroom and use them to Launch a larger discussion about what the students understand from these materials.