And you lay out some clear guidelines on how much each person should be giving of their income.
They're trying to lay out an argument which is consistent and continuous and keep surprise to a minimum.
And so the heart of the dialogue consists of a series of arguments in which Socrates attempts to lay out his reasons for believing in the immortality of the soul.
Gokul says there's a difference between picking out individuals to lay down their lives and having a general law.
So what I want to do is, I want to lay this out a little bit more formally as a game, since we haven't done anything like this for a week or so, we're going to play the game.
我想做的是,把这个安排得更正式一点 就像博弈一样,因为我们已经大约一个星期没有这样做了,我们将做这个博弈
Some of this can be done if consumers make different choices in what they eat, but some can be silent changes too, so Frito-Lay taking the Trans fats out of their products and switching them with a healthier fat is a silent change that could have a positive impact on public health.
What I'm going to do is basically run through my attempt to reconstruct-- my attempt to lay out the basic ideas from this series of four or five arguments that Plato gives us.
For example, Frito-Lay, before they really had to because of bad publicity, took out all of the Trans fats in their products and that was -they're the largest snack manufacturer in the world so that was a pretty significant advance for the healthiness of their foods.
In approach number one, you simply lay out the various positions, pro and con, and the professor strives to remain neutral; sort of not tip his hand about what he holds.