And I want to show you an example of this, to lead to both the syntax, and to the semantics.
I think if we force people to vote, it would not lead to a good result.
So, it's very important to realize that these family farmers, who are successful, do not necessarily lead to democracy.
I'm going to talk next week, or next time on Thursday, about the processes that lead to differences between cells.
We don't know for certain. But what might have happened to lead to the two different editions?
Everything is interconnected on the higher level on a spiral-- in other words will lead to deep understanding and hopefully assimilation of the material.
We need to separate between those things that are good because of what they lead to.
Now,but the railroads,if you look at the map of the railroads in France, at any time you want including now, all roads lead--all tracks lead to Paris.
Rational choices can lead to bad outcomes.
Hence, selfish genes will lead to altruistic animals because, to the extent that evolution operates at the level of the genes, there's no hard and fast distinction between your own body and someone else's body.
I think that what it would lead to would be useless votes.
I think sometimes that agnosticism can lead to a moral maturity.
Further he says, "These individual actions lead to collective costs," said Blair, "It's worth pausing for a moment to consider the consequences that inaction will bring."
The Market Revolution would also lead to a lot of natural environmental degradation.
And these verbal descriptions lead to some pictures that I put up and I'll put up again about how you might try to accomplish something like run an engine or move heat from a colder to a warmer body.
The socialist idea started to lead to a number of experiments in various countries around the world that were pooling risks-- they might not have put it this way.