And, in fact, since we're going to reuse this again and again during today's lecture, I'm going to put it over here and leave it sacrosanct for our further use.
The debate over that question is fierce, and it's one we're going to leave for another day.
Do not plan to leave town until your finals are over.
If you ask the question why did many Italians leave their homes, especially south Italians in the late nineteenth century and come-- well, go all over the world actually, to South America, Australia, but the largest numbers to the United States.
I'll leave the algebra there, transfer it up here, q1* = q2* = a - c over 3b.
Either you open a nice hole between yourself and the rest of your army, in which case somebody's going to get very badly killed and you're going to be on the run very soon, or you have to somehow communicate to the rest of the army, "Everybody come over this way," which will still leave that flank open to being flanked by the other side.