The goal is by 2005, they have all the large lecture courses in MIT physics taught in this format.
The final exam: you should do well if you read, and if you come to lecture and if you attend section.
Later in the term, we'll spend part of a lecture talking about, how do we find such a test suite?
Here we give many lecture material until late they do the lab and then we come back and discuss the results.
The syllabus you'll see notes the general topic of each lecture and the reading that I want you to have done for that day.
It's an historical question, as I say, and I want to devote the rest of the lecture to it.
So, this is what happens. You go to the website, there's all these bars down the side, so there's lecture videos.
The teaching fellow for each lecture takes what we call scribe notes. These are posted within a few days online.
So, we devoted a lecture early on--of a couple of weeks ago, to individual differences across people in intelligence and personality.
I'm not talking about investment banks in this lecture -I'm talking about commercial banks, which accept deposits from depositors.
It was simply my lecture notes from this particular course that I've been teaching here for a long time.
Because we've just sat in lecture and you've told us we're not being rational if we pick a high number.
So I have to take out what I think is the really essential part and cover them in the lecture.
The class is 41 students-- they take all the courses together and it's more a seminar than a lecture.
So, I want to turn to that topic and spend oh, probably the better part of a lecture or so.
and so what the lecture today is going to be about is how did the particular twenty-seven books that came to be the New Testament canon,how did those get chosen?
But we are going to be spending a fair amount of time talking actually about the meaning and the function of Israel's purity laws and cultic laws in a later lecture.
This is what I'll be proposing over the course of this lecture: that memory is a problem that Paradise Lost is continually confronting.
- So that was Wednesday's class -- not at the end of Wednesday's class, but at the end of the lecture notes.
And we'll talk a little bit more about him: not today, but in the second lecture and in section.
A studio of three hours' lecture in a large lecture hall, and two hours of recitation in groups of thirty.
I have tried to give this lecture at the beginning of the term, at the end of the term.
John's are much better, by the way, which is why Thursday will be a much better lay-- a better lecture.