We take, um, legislation and regulation, which is sort of how our agencies work in Washington D.C.,
It is only the book of Deuteronomy that assumes or prepares for a monarchy and contains legislation for a king, and the things that he should do.
Socrates willingly giving up one of his conversations for the tedious business of legislation ? and public administration?
And the commune, despite the fact that there's lots of-- you could hear in the distance the guns sometimes getting closer and closer, and attempts to break out fail miserably, they pass all sorts of impressive social legislation.
The challenge will be to get legislation on the table that will back up those numbers.
It's also very interesting to think about how the food label could change because this legislation comes up here and there and government consideration, and so if you guys have thoughts that you'd like to write about on one of your concept sheets about what could done to the food label to make it more effective, and more accessible to people, then feel free to write about that. Yes?
I think it was partly the New Deal legislation that made it very strong in the United States.
Parliament enacts through this legislation a mechanism for the state control of the press.
The New York Times says the legislation falls far-short of many European governments and many environmentalists said it needed it What does Thomas Sowell has to say about the cap and trade legislation?
It's coercion, so no paternalist legislation, number one.
One of them is paternalist legislation.
before we're able to, um, before comprehensive climate changes legislation is passed.
The libertarian says nobody else is harmed,nobody else's rights are violated, so the state should get out of the business entirely of trying to promote virtue or to enact morals legislation.
As a result you have a lot of rural Levites who are out of business now, a lot of people who would have officiated at local shrines, and they're out of business: that probably explains the fact that Deuteronomy makes special provision for the Levites and includes them in its... in legislation, sort of social welfare legislation.
Number two, no morals legislation.
and they'll be able to pass comprehensive climate changes legislation.